Sunday, February 12, 2012

Autumn Harvest

I grew up in the town right next to the town where I live now.


My parents are 7 minutes away.  Which is always a good thing.   :)

ANyWAy, the point of this is not my parents living so close or how I never got out this state regardless of my monumental efforts for the past 27 years.

It is about Autumn Harvest.

I have this friend who  moved here from another state.  She was very sick and needed to go to a natural store.  The only one I knew about was about 20 minuted from here.  No big deal, I told her I would go get her list and for her to stay home and rest.

To which she responds, " Why would you go so far when Autumn Harvest is right here?"

I told her there is no natural store around here, much less in my hometown.  After all, the road she claims the shop to be on is the SELF SAME road I take ALL THE TIME to go to my parent's house.  And come back home again..  The self same road I have taken for travel to so many places my whole life.  The same road that I have ran miles on when I was a runner, and rode my bike on when I rode my bicycle for years.

I think I would KNOW if  this shop on that road.


Well she gave me the address, and skeptically I went.  After all it would only take me about 5 minutes to prove her wrong.


Fine, I was wrong.  It happens.  

I went in and told them how happy I was that they opened up so close.  To which the owner responds..."We have been here for 25 years.  We were next door for 8 years before that."


Point being..

I really AM happy that they are here.  Regardless of how long I have missed their great benefits, I am glad to have them close.  

And there prices are way better than the place up the mountain.

And the people are so very helpful.  Granted they look like the haven't realized it is not 1972 anymore.  That is ok.

Their wisdom is right on target.

If you are looking for a good start, pop into one of these shops.  They are odd and smell funny, and sell weird stuff.  But once you get to know the place, the stuff, the people, well, it all kind of starts to fall into place.

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